Founder story Thijs van Eerden

SKEPP stands for Office as a Service. Its basis is Officelisting, which connects tenants and landlords. With Officeplanner, 100% flexible fit-outs are added. Started in the Netherlands in 2014, and is now active in eight European countries.
Digitization of the office market
The corporate real estate market for office spaces used to be very traditional. You had a physical real estate business on the corner of the street. This is where businesses went to find an office. SKEPP believed that this could be done more easily and accessible via an online platform. Digitization in the travel industry resulted in various online platforms that would bring supply and demand together. SKEPP had envisioned a similar experience for the office market.
Driven by innovative ideas
SKEPP was founded in 2014 with the vision to transform the office market. From November 2014 I was able to contribute to this vision with my graduation research. After completing my Real Estate & Brokerage studies at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Enschede, I started working at SKEPP as their second employee. Back then, it had a start-up character. I took on all kinds of things: acquisition of properties, writing content for the website, marketing, sending invoices, and doing sales.
Pretty soon I discovered that I had a talent for sales. Calling customers and providing them with a solution that fits their needs was a great motivator for me. When SKEPP grew and got a dedicated sales team, I became Head of Sales. In 2018 SKEPP decided to do more than Office listing. We started office planning and office furnishing activities to focus on flexibility and adaptivity for the office fit-out. I saw the company grow from a small start-up to an authority in the market. With all these changes around me, I grew too.
While I never had a strong belief that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, I believe that development happens outside of your comfort zone.
When the former director of SKEPP decided to step down in the summer of 2020, my colleague Melvin and I sat down with Entweder the next day. We were asked to become Founders of SKEPP. Of course, you know immediately that this is an opportunity that does not come along often. Naturally, we grabbed this opportunity with both hands. You don’t pass up on becoming a Founder. You want and must try it. While I never had a strong belief that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, I believe that development happens outside of your comfort zone. Entrepreneurship is a good fit for me. In the beginning, it was difficult, but you find your balance quite quickly.
Working for SKEPP is never boring. There are constant developments and no day is the same. I knew right away I was in the right place. This is certainly a company in which you can develop yourself and make a big contribution to the growth of the company. We are informal and find it very important that everyone enjoys working at SKEPP. We do this with the conviction that when you do something you enjoy, you will quickly become very good at it. And then we achieve the best results together.
You get a lot of responsibility and freedom within the Entweder ventures. Freedom in which you can develop yourself tremendously. The opportunity to build a company in a promising environment is huge. You can lean on Entweder’s experience and knowledge while getting to work with your insights. Entrepreneurial employment has allowed me to develop myself.