Ricoh Netherlands relocates to Campus Hambaken
September 12, 2022
Campus Offices
Campus Hambaken is the newest acquired location in Den Bosch. Ricoh Nederlands recently chose Campus Hambaken for its many facilities such as modern meeting and creative spaces, meet-up areas, a coffee bar, and sports facilities. The hybrid working policy of Ricoh Nederlands fits in well with the Campus Offices concept. Hybrid working becoming is the norm and corporate organizations such as Ricoh Nederlands want to be part of a dynamic working environment and ecosystem to facilitate this best.
Pim Trommelen:
The arrival of Ricoh Nederlands marks a new step in the transition to the new way of working. Smaller companies were already making the transition to multi-tenant offices. The move of Ricoh Nederlands to Campus Hambaken shows that established corporate organizations are ready to take the next step in hybrid working. Any type of organization that is looking to explore this as well will be more than welcome at Campus Offices.
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